Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Cancer Machine

With hundreds of millions spent each year on cancer research, many wonder why we still can’t find the cure for the most widespread and, not surprisingly, the most studied disease of the 21 century—cancer.
Medical history shows that in the early 1900s only one in 20 people developed cancer; 40 years later there was already one in every 16; by the 1970s, one person in 10 used to develop cancer.
Today, the numbers are shockingly unprecedented: one in three people will develop a cancerous disease at some time in their lives. With over 316 million Americans (according to 2013 estimates), almost 106 million are likely to face cancer at some point in their lives. 106 million is a huge number. It means that every family in the U.S. will have to face this inevitable monster!
According to the CDC, by the end of 2013, there will be approximately 1.66 million new cancer cases. And although the average death rate is steadily decreasing, why are these incidence rates rapidly rising?
Unfortunately, the answer is bitterly simple: this “so called” 40-year WAR ON CANCER was nothing but a cunningly staged theatrical performance. The cancer epidemic is a cash cow for Big Pharma, who makes hundreds of billions dollars on cancer patients annually. They focus to silence any successful or budding cancer cure programs that can ruin so perfectly built “health” pyramid.
Want to learn more, please, watch the documentary film featured below: Cancer: Forbidden Cures.
The Cancer Machine
You have to realize that cancer is a tremendous cash cow. Why would somebody want to shoot it, if this well-oiled Cancer Machine generates billions of dollars every year? Dietary and educational guidelines, right exercises and, in general, healthy lifestyle would never make 1/100000 of the massive profit the pharmaceutical companies earn on radiation, chemotherapy and various diagnostic surgeries and procedures.
On average the typical cancer patient will spend at least US $50,000 fighting the disease. This will include painfully expensive chemotherapy drugs (from US $3,000 to up to US $7,000 per month during therapy), often unnecessary diagnostic procedures, every-two-hour blood draws and frequently useless operations.
Big Pharma can’t let a cancer patient go home healthy and happy, it will make more sense to keep him or her alive, but sick, so they come back again. Scary, but true…
You may ask me: “But how did we grow this societal monster?” “Quite easy”, I reply. The pharmaceutical companies partnered with the AMA (the American Medical Association) in the early 1900s to develop an ideally ingenious plan to take advantage of the medical system by overtaking it.
At first, it started with international bankers who owned the chemical and drug companies. They gained full control over the medical education system, bought out major leading medical schools and managed to control policy. At the end, they were in control of every federal regulatory agency that was related to the medical practice.
Don’t you dare cure anyone!
In spite of all the formidable amount of money directed to cancer research, two out of three cancer patients will die within the first five years after being diagnosed with cancer and receiving the standard cancer treatment triad: chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. One study conducted estimated that chemotherapy helps only about 5% of the patients or just one in 20.
Over the last 100 years of cancer fighting, several natural cancer treatments have been developed and even successfully used in many western countries, including the U.S. Predictably, all of them have been ardently thrown off, gagged, and crammed into the corner by the medical monopoly. Numerous attempts to overpower cancer were mercilessly crushed early on; cancer researchers and physicians were attacked, professionally disgraced and sent to prison.
To this day, any promising viable cancer treatment is met with furious opposition by major pharmaceutical and medical companies. They simply have no interest in natural agents they can’t have patent on, as it has a negative impact on their revenue. Drug companies have gone and will continue to go to even more extreme measures to hide the truth about effective cancer treatment.
The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) is mainly founded by powerful drug corporations, and as a consequence, is a direct accomplice in the process. Hiding under the mask of virtue, the FDA in reality is protecting only the profits of Big Pharma and its brothers.
My Top 12 Cancer Prevention Strategies
It is not a secret that our well-being and overall health depends largely on us and our own lifestyle. Please, don’t wait until it is too late and you are diagnosed with this disease. Start taking preventative actions today, right now! It is way easier to prevent something than to cure it. Luckily, there are so many things you can do today that can lower your risks of getting cancer.
I came up with my list of top 12 strategies that, I believe, can virtually eliminate your chances of cancer or any other chronic disease! But even if you currently have cancer, I am truly convinced, that you can improve your condition and recover from cancer.
My first strategy is Food Preparation. Try to eat 1/3 of your food raw; avoid charbroiling or frying. Instead, boil, steam, or bake your food.
My second strategy is Right Nutrition. Add anti-cancer produce to your menu, such as broccoli, spinach, apples, curcumin, resveratrol, legumes and whole grains. To learn more, please, visit my previous article on anti-angiogenetic foods: “Dramatically Effective New Natural Way to Starve Cancer and Obesity.”
Sugar Elimination. Limit or eliminate carbohydrates and sugars, processed and grain-based foods from your daily menu. Don’t make concessions to organic grains as well, as they have tendency to rapidly break down, spiking your insulin level (what can long-term lead to diabetes).
If you really want to be cancer-free, you MUST, I repeat it again, MUST eliminate all forms of sugar, especially fructose and high-fructose that promote and feed cancer cells.
Ideally, your daily sugar intake shouldn’t exceed 25 grams (this amount includes all the sugars you get with fruit).
Don’t forget about reducing Protein and increasing Fat. Although it may sound strange for those of you who are in fitness or try to follow popular fitness fads, but reducing your protein level to one gram per kilo of lean body weight and increasing high-quality fats will help you to keep to a right anti-cancer diet. Among the most popular high-quality fats are organic eggs from cage-free pastured chickens, organic meats, coconut oil, avocados to name just a few.
GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are often lab generated seeds (in our case food) whose genetic material has been changed by genetic engineering techniques and/or treated with herbicides (glyphosate/roundup). This type of food is toxic to human cells and therefore very likely to be carcinogenic or oncogenic: this means it can produce or tend to produce cancer.
Alternatively, choose fresh, organic or locally grown food with no additives and preservatives. And you will see that your body will pay you in return.
It is important to take enough animal-based Omega-3 fats that can be found in high-quality krill or dietary supplements. Also try to reduce the amount of processed vegetable oils.
Natural Probiotics is an essential part of your overall health. Over 80% of all the necessary nutrients are absorbed through your gut. Thus, optimizing your gut flora will strengthen your immune system and reduce the chance of inflammation. According to the latest research, naturally fermented food not only prevents cancer, but also helps to slow its progression and even improve chemotherapy results.
It is no news that regular exercise helps lower insulin level, reduces cancer risks, alters immune cells, triggers apoptosis (a unique program that kills cancer cells) and improves cancer outcomes. Your ideal daily exercise will include strength, HIIT, balance and flexibility. To help you start, I have developed a special program “Peak Fitness Program” that will introduce you to the basic daily exercise routine.
Vitamin D is a vitally important ingredient in your daily menu. It decreases cancer risks by more than 50%. All you need to do is either take it in the form of a pill or by appropriate exposure in the sun—your choice. A healthy individual should hold a steady level of serum (50—70 ng/ml), whereas a person treated for cancer should have at least 80 ng/ml for best results.
Sleep, especially retrospective sleep, helps you to maintain your overall body health. If you don’t get enough sleep, your melatonin production changes and this leads to an increased risk of insulin resistance, weight gain and as a result to cancer development.
Minimize exposure to environmental toxins, such as herbicides, pesticides, synthetic cosmetics, air fresheners and household chemical cleaners.
Minimize or limit your exposure to radiation. Limit the use of cell-phones, protect yourself from radiation coming from towers, WI-FI spots, base stations and etc. Also, if possible, reduce the exposure to radiation-based medical equipment, such as CT scans, mammograms, X-rays, MRIs.
Learn how to manage your stress. The modern world is full of stress factors that contribute to all sorts of diseases, including cancer. According to the CDC, approximately 85% of disease is caused by emotional factors. There are several programs to overcome emotional stress, but my favorite one is EFT (or Emotional Freedom Techniques).
What are your options, if you already have cancer? Undoubtedly, the best anti-cancer strategy I know is, of course, to starve the cancer cells by bereaving their major food source. Your healthy body cells can burn fat and carbs to support themselves, while cancer cells have lost their metabolic flexibility. This peculiar feature of cancer cells was discovered by Nobel Prize winner— Dr. Otto Warburg—over 75 years ago. But still no oncologist today uses this information when treats cancer. If any member of my family was diagnosed with cancer, I would recommend to combine a ketogenic diet with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as this treatment would eventually kill cancer cells by starving them of their food source!


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