Do Chiropractic Adjustments Help Sciatica?
is a set of symptoms which ranges from smaller localized pain in one
or both buttocks to deliberating strong pain throughout the leg and
foot. Chiropractic adjustments can help you fight sciatica, if it is
caused by a slight misalignment in the structure of the lower back.
let’s take a more detailed look at the diverse forms of sciatica,
its causes, and how doctors of chiropractic can help you decrease the
pain and even the root of the problem.
is Sciatica?
is an irritation of one of five spinal nerve roots of left, right or
both sciatic nerves. In simple words, sciatica is pain extending from
the lower back all way down to your feet and toes.
Many Faces of “Ouch”
symptoms of sciatica are, certainly, pain, weakness, numbness,
burning, and odd sensations. The most common symptom of them is low
back pain, but it may not always present. The location of the
sciatica symptoms may vary as well. Sometimes they may center in your
lower back or buttocks, other times go all the way down your leg to
your toe. The symptoms also may be on one side or both or the
intensity may be stronger on one side vs. the other. Occasionally,
the symptoms may be presented only in one particular part of your
body, for example, in your calf or foot.
Causes Sciatica?
has three major causes:
- As the sciatic nerve originates in the lower back, wrong movements, bone shifting, certain pressure can cause a pinching of the sciatic nerve that consequently produces pain.
- If you ever fell on your pelvis or hip, had a major hip, knee, ankle or foot joint surgery or injury or broke a leg bone, or if you are currently experiencing a muscle imbalance due to certain physical activity or sports, you may have a rotated pelvis at the sacroiliac joint. The sciatic nerve runs in front of a sacroiliac joint and causes pain when rubbing together.
- One of the most common sciatic pain locations is your buttocks. There are a lot of muscles located in this area (the gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle and gluteus minimus muscle), and the sciatic nerve is supposed to go underneath these muscles. However, in some unlucky people this nerve passes through the piriformis muscle, and thus any simple action, such as stretching or driving can cause this muscle to contract and press the sciatic nerve that, as you understand, leads to pain.
is on the Way! How to Treat Sciatica Successfully
you are in pain, your only wish, understandably, is for this pain to
go away. Most people’s first action is to seek pain relievers,
prescribed or over-the-counter (OTC). And although most
anti-inflammatory medication and other pain relief formulas reduce or
at least mask the pain, they don’t really fight the root of the
chiropractic doctor can help you treat the original cause of the
pain. If the root of the pain is structural, such as muscle spasms or
misaligned pelvis or vertebra, certain chiropractic adjustments,
physical therapy and spinal x-ray may fully resolve your problem
of patients all over the world are incorrectly told that their only
option with lower back pain is drugs. Don’t stay in pain, don’t
be fooled by pharmaceutical companies, don’t expose yourself and
your loved ones to potentially dangerous side effects of drug
consumption! If you experience such pain, please, visit us at
HealthNOW or contact us at 408-733-0400 for a detailed consultation
from a professional. Together we can fight it successfully!
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