Saturday, December 14, 2013

Car Crash May Hasten Chronic Pain

Chronic widespread pain is pain that circulates above as well as below the waist, or in both sides of the body and lasts for at least three months. It can affect anyone, and doesn’t depend on age, sex and/or patient’s lifestyle.
Recent research conducted by a group of doctors from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland showed that more than 1 in 10 people have developed chronic widespread pain caused by a traumatic event taken place during 4 years following the accident.
Further studies revealed that 43% of all patients with chronic pain had experienced a traumatic accident, surgical operation or have had broken bones over the same period of time. This information proves that car accidents together with workplace fractures and other injures can be a significant indicator of future chronic widespread pain.
To support the study, Gareth Jones, PhD., University of Aberdeen, Scotland and his colleagues turned to the Epidemiology of Functional Disorders Study conducted in northwest England. 6,290 volunteers of various age, sex, working in diverse spheres were recruited from three general practices in Manchester and were given a questionnaire with part of the questions related to chronic widespread pain.
Four years later pain-free people were invited for a second questionnaire and were asked to answer the questions. Over 11% of people reported chronic widespread pain, and 38% of them mentioned at least one traumatic experience, such as car or work accident, fracture, surgery, childbirth (for women) or inpatient treatment.
Summarizing the evidence and the facts, Jones and his colleagues determined that traffic accidents still remained a major cause of new chronic widespread pain. Nevertheless, the current research may not be fully taken into account and requires deeper analysis and supportive evidence. Therefore, in future studies researchers will try to specify what aspects of car accidents can be responsible for chronic widespread pain.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Little League Elbow

“Little League Elbow” is a throwing injury to the elbow commonly found among pre-teen and early-teenagers that play baseball or softball competitively. Injury occurs when the repetitive throwing creates an excessively strong pull on elbow tendons and ligaments. This can tear ligament and tendon away from the bone. Sometimes small fragments of bone are pulled away as well. The elbow can also become compressed, causing bones to rub together. Young athletes are particularly prone to this type of injury because their bones are immature. A child should stop throwing at the first sign of elbow pain, restricted range of elbow motion or locking of the elbow joint. Young pitchers are also advised against trying to throw a curve ball. The additional twisting motion used to make a pitch "break" is very hard on the immature elbow.

The age groups most affected are pre-high school players, anywhere from ages 10 to 15, with the peak incidence in the 12 to 14-year-old age group. Treatment and recovery depend on the severity of the injury. Recovery time ranges from 6 weeks to 3 months.





Prevention strategies include:
 Always warm up before pitching with light aerobic exercise, such as jogging or jumping jacks.
Always stretch your muscles slowly and gently before pitching.
Always follow the pitching rules of your baseball league and do not play in two leagues at the same time.
Limit your pitching to:
4-10 innings per week
80-100 pitches per game
30-40 pitches per practice
Learn and practice the mechanics of good pitching technique.
Do not throw curve balls and sliders until high school when the growth plate in your elbow is fused with the bone.
Treatment may include:

Do not pitch or do any activities that cause elbow pain. Do not play sports, especially throwing sports, until the pain is gone.

Apply ice or a cold pack to the outside of the elbow for 15-20 minutes, 4 times a day, for several days. Wrap the ice or cold pack in a towel. Do not apply the ice directly to your skin.

Doctor Koenig can offer guidelines on exercise, conditioning techniques, nutrition, and general fitness. Of course, when treatment is needed, the chiropractor is fully equipped to manage nonsurgical treatment of typical sports injuries. Chiropractic care also works on correcting misaligned or out of place vertebrae and can remove the pressure placed on the nerve endings that line the surface of the joint and course through the space between the joints, reducing pain and improving flexibility and function. To see if chiropractic may be able to help you call (508) (746-5899) today for a complimentary consultation. Or log onto to book and appointment.

Monday, December 2, 2013

What is Causing the Asthma Epidemic

What is causing the Asthma Epidemic?
written by:Doctor Josh Koenig
Recent studies have showed that asthma cases have enhanced almost 60% since the middle 1980s, and the number of deaths caused by asthma grew up to 5,000 per year in the United States alone. Many of us wonder what the primary reasons of such a dramatic peak are and what can be done to prevent even a larger outbreak. 
Luckily, modern medicine in combination with the newest chiropractic approaches can minimize and even eliminate the risk of getting asthma and its complications. We don’t know why it is developing at such an alarming rate, but we DO know how to learn to control it better.
If you are in your 30s and older, you may remember that in your youth years it was very rare to find a child with asthma. But nowadays the situation is completely different; asthma has become a constant companion of everyday life. Children are the most susceptible to asthma, although adults may suffer from occasional asthma attacks as well. 
There are several causes of asthma distribution. Among them are environmental, stress and nutrition factors.
It is no surprise that the ecological situation on the planet has dramatically changed for the 3 past decades. Air, water, soil pollution led to the decreased quality of vital nutrients that flow through our bodies and new contaminants have found their way into these systems. Moreover, our insulated houses and apartments don’t let in fresh air and let out the allergens and molds thriving in any basement. In addition, modern carpets are made with formaldehyde that evaporates in the air and this is what you end up breathing in. 
Modern commercials make you buy more cleaning products for literally every object in the house to keep it free from 99% of bacteria and viruses. But it comes with a price, as they don’t only kill all the germs; they kill the healthy flora in your house.  
Another major factor that contributes to asthma is a stress factor. Stress may induce or exacerbate asthma attacks. Moving to a new house, a change of lifestyle or a job, experiencing some negative emotions—all these can trigger asthma. 
Food manufacturers, especially in the United States, add a lot of preservatives, genetically modified additives, antibiotics and etc. in products to prolong their shelf life, to taste and look better. Poor food quality in combination with excessive vaccinations, unnecessary antibiotic intake and cesarean births lead to asthma outburst. 
Asthma is a chronic disease, and cannot completely cured. But it can be successfully controlled. With the help of your primary doctor, an asthma specialist and a chiropractor, you can find the right treatment program, medication and wellness adjustments. 
Recent research shows that chiropractic patients showed a significant improvement of major asthma symptoms. Your chiropractic doctor will start with a full body evaluation, check your overall neurological and physical conditions, adjust your diet and lifestyle and help reduce stress level. 
There are several tips that can help you keep your asthma under control:
  • Choose a vegetarian-based diet. Animal products contain arachidonic acid that can cause inflammation.
  • Eat fish and other products that include Omega-3 fats
  • Include vitamin C in your diet, as it helps to reduce allergenic reactions
  • Avoid food containing MSG (monosodium glutamate) and other sulfites
  • Clean house air filters and have them checked every 3-4 months
  • Cover your bed linen, pillows and mattresses with hypoallergenic dust bed covers
  • Visit chiropractic doctor for alternative health and wellness program and physical activity adjustments
  • Use relaxation techniques (tai chi, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises and etc.) and minimize time spent in front of TV, computer and etc.
  • Use medication with precaution, as some of them (aspirin, NSAI, beta-blockers) can cause asthma to worsen
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